(1) Mahsulot suvning yuqori barqarorligi, tez eilish darajasi va yuqori foydalanish darajasi osongina so'riladi va ekinlar bilan ishlatilishi mumkin.
(2) This product can solve the physiological diseases of plants caused by magnesium deficiency, and can also solve the yellowing and whitening of leaves, yellow spots, edge brown spots, dead leaves, leaf cracks, and dead flowers caused by magnesium deficiency, reduce low-quality fruits and poor coloring, and absorb Fast, quickly reach the plant growth point and functional leaves, to achieve the expected effect.
Buyum | Indeks |
Tashqi ko'rinish | Qizg'ish jigarrang shaffof suyuqlik |
Mo'jiza | ≥120g / l |
Mannitol | ≥60G / l |
pH | 5-6.5 |
Zichlik | 1.25-1.35 |
To'plam:1L / 5l / 10L / 25L / 25L / 1000L yoki siz xohlaganingizcha.
Saqlash:Shamollatilgan, quruq joyda saqlang.
Ijro standarti:Xalqaro standart.